“If somebody says no to you, or if you get cut, Michael Jordan was cut his first year, but he came back and he was the best ever. That is what you have to have. The attitude that I’m going to show everybody, I’m going to work hard to get better and better.”
– Magic Johnson, NBA Player
「如果有人跟你說不,或把你被踢除,麥可喬丹在第一年也被踢除,但他回來並達到他的最佳狀態,那就是你必須要有的,想要表現給每個人看的態度,我將努力且變得愈來愈好。」– 魔術強森 (NBA 球員)
- 魔術強森 (1959- ) 為美國 NBA 洛杉磯湖人隊前控球後衛,曾率湖人隊 5 度拿下 NBA 總冠軍,3 度贏得「最有價值球員獎」,他每場平均助攻 11.2 次,目前仍是 NBA 紀錄保持人,他在 1996 年被封為「NBA 史上 50 大巨星」之一。